Saturday, May 07, 2011

the birth

I dreamed last night about the birth of my babe. It was quick, painless (literally, NO PAIN), and she was a girl. Okay, so I realize it's not actually going to be painless, but I know I'll be able to handle it.

I'm excited.

PS. Today with Collin all day is amazing.


  1. It can totally be painless!!! I just read a book I think you would love. "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" You can probably find it at the library. I have dreams like that a lot, and I think it's good mental practice. It's good that your subconscious isn't envisioning a dramatic/painful birth!

  2. I always had dreams about Noah when I was pregnant. I'm not kidding. I knew from day one he was a boy. And honestly- childbirth isn't even the worst pain I've ever been through. Granted I did get an epidural- I got to a 7 before I got it. :) Don't be scared about it at all.

  3. Babies are so cute they are worth a thousand painful births!

  4. Good subconscious! And you have every reason to be excited! Happy Mother's Day my dear. You are a good friend. And I know you are and will continue to be a good mama!
