Thursday, March 13, 2014

Freddie said.....

Me: Freddy I'm 30 and you're 2 years old!
Fred: no I'm 30 and you're 2!

Fred (To Collin while at costco): I will get spicy chips. For later. 

Me (reading): pigs eat mushrooms.
Fred: I eat mushrooms at mommy's home.

(Singing): It's a big one after all, it's a big one after all, it's a big one after all, it's a big big one. 

(While playing with a bunch of my purple beads on his car race track): Don't touch them mommy; it's too "drain-drous!" (dangerous)

Oh man, this morning Fred told Collin he has a dirty head and that I have a big nose! 

He lays next to Hattie and pulls her over so that she's on her tummy and when we try to help her, he says, "LET HER SWIM!!!"

Fred: Let's get in the curtains, Daddyo!