Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ella Claire turned 3 years old today!!!

Our ELLA is now 3 years old. The older kids have been excited about it for days. Ella has never been one to enjoy the spotlight or very much attention-especially from people outside of our family. So leading up to today she’s denied it but today she has embraced it. She loved getting gifts this morning- my little ponies, drawings from her siblings, and eating a yummy breakfast while listening to fun music together as a family. She loves to sing and shake her booty.

After sending Fred and Collin off and then dropping Hattie at preschool we went to her pediatrician for her 3 year check up where Dr. Cox called her perfect. Because her bday was TODAY she got to pick out a treasure and chose a rubiks cub. Then we rushed over to the library for our Tuesday “snuggle up together” story time for just Ella and Mommy. It was so fun and wonderful. We have really grown to love our few hours a week together when it’s just us.

Ella is a strong, sweet, smart, firey, lovely girl. She’s so funny and loves to laugh and tell jokes and make others laugh. She loves to play with her brother and sister. She and Collin have such a strong bond. She talks to the baby in my tummy every day and I know they are going to have a special bond too. She is growing and learning so much. She surprises me daily with words she knows. She is getting really good at going potty. She loves to swing on our swings outside, ride bikes, and just be outside at all times. We are loving the beautiful warm spring weather after the long dark cold winter we’ve had. Freddie gives her piggy back rides all over and she and Hattie play princesses and sisters and mothers together. I’m grateful and humbled to be her mother and try my best to love and teach her everyday.

She has such a strong testimony of prayer. She loves to pray (at every meal!!) and everytime we lose something or have a trouble she immediately folds her arms, bows her head, closes her eyes and says a firm and faithful prayer. And EVERY TIME we are blessed to find the item almost immediately. She loves to says a prayer of gratitude afterwards too. It has been inspiring for Collin and me to witness this. We love ELLA.

Ella keeps singing "this girl is on fire” by Alicia keys today!!

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