Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dc Temple Lights

This really reminds me of home. And you know, we're really making a home for ourselves here. I feel good. I feel loved, cared for, comfortable, like I'm needed and like there's much to do and explore. I want to take more advantage of every day and everything I see.

 "I yike da yights," --baby Joe Money.

Everything points to Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. He is the ultimate example of love, unselfishness, peace, service, and humility. It humbles me to think of his goodness. I feel so good! I miss home, but I feel more connected to my family than ever, and blessed with friends old and new who really love me, my honey, and my tiny kitten honey.


  1. nothing like some good christmas lights and decorations! xo.

  2. All you need is love. and kittens. and reminders of all things good.
