My little kitten slept in my arms the whole way home from Pitman. And then he plopped down in his chair by the window and slept for 3 hours! (What a busy weekend he had, exploring Sarah and Ete's fun house, up and down the stairs, under the floor boards, playing in the snow!) He woke up, and is sitting with me now, so sweet and nuzzly-cuddly, super soft and smelling so good since his bath today (due to falling in toilet incident, hahaha!)
I love you, little guy.
And tomorrow, you're really getting neutered.
he's in charge
Hi, cute baby Jonah
Mischief boys
dice-capades s'more
So much pretty snow!
"We live in the prettiest neighborhood!"
snow adventure
He conquered the mountain!
your new blog header is delicious!!!! love it~!