I miss my husband, Collin, and my kitten, Montgomery. (cute pic above)
Seriously, my heart aches because I miss CS so badly. I wake up fine,
but it gets really bad at night. I get so down, but I am sustained. Then I
wake up and feel okay again. Don't get me wrong, I am having a really
fun time, and I'm happy, feel well, get to see cousins, and talk to and text
Collin constantly throughout the day. But it's just really hard to be away
from my best friend. It's hard not to kiss those lips. But learning!
Growth! And what a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott today at
Conference about how to treat and appreciate our spouses. I seriously
teared the whole time. I, I can't describe my love for you Collin. It grows
stronger every day. Babe and I miss you. He/she is getting bigger!
I can't wait to continue our adventure together for this life and for
eternity because that is how long we will be together. Forever.
Love, Nicole Elizabeth Money Smith