Friday, December 30, 2011

after christmas and on our way to las vegas

Pajamas at the movie theater. We saw the new Sherlock Holmes. I liked it just fine. It was entertaining and all. But it was definitely a sequel.

Tuesday Morning my mom, Collin, David, and Freddie and I drove to Las Vegas for my Great Aunt Rosalie's funeral. It was a sudden thing and I knew her well. We got together with her family often during the 5.5 years we lived in Vegas. We know she is in a better place. It was wonderful to see family we hadn't seen in a while, but it also made me think: 5 hours is just not that far away. Why don't we get together more often?

Here is Frederick on his first road trip. That is his new book that HE LOVES SO SO MUCH. Three pages that CRINKLE and 1 that squeaks. Oh man he loves it.

He slept most of the way, but when he'd wake up he'd be like...I'm STILL IN THIS CARSEAT?!?!?! NOOOO. Poor guy. Poor darling. So cute when he cried though, huh.

At the hotel. Happy boy again.

We got in the night before the funeral. David, Collin, Freddie and I drove down the strip. It really is an amazing sight to see: all those lights and buildings. Seeing some f the other ones brought back lots of fun memories.

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