Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Happy Father's Day to my best friend and a great dad...the greatest there could ever be for frederick. I don't think I could do this without him. I certainly don't want to. Love you, Collin.

Breakfast in bed time!!! Oh boy, this kid loves to help and throws a fit if I don't let him.

"Mom what are we waiting for??!!??"

Surprised sleeping beauty!!

My little king

Hey, daddy-o

My dad--a man who brings people together, makes us laugh, and tells endless stories about soil and how water freezes. Gotta love him. 

Nice joe.....

I've been working on this project for a while. For the past two years I have been sending him questions and having him answer--things about his childhood that I didn't know. It's not all fluffy warm stuff. It's really honest and real and some very sad. I found out so much. I feel closer to him and feel I understand him and why he is the way he is so much better. I made copies for my brothers so that they can read it too. Im working on my Personal Progress award along with my YW and I used this for my project for Faith. 

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