Sunday, October 04, 2015

Life lately...random pictures from our days.

Who knew there was a replica of the liberty bell in the basement of the Utah state Capitol!

The kids and I really like going to random breakfast places lately. 

Super fun engagement sibling celebration dinner the other week. Thai food and then "cazookies" for dessert. Such a cool group. We love Amelia and love David and love the two of them together. 
My bunka walking to church!! So determined!

This is the place monument 


Freddie: "am I going to fall off this?" Nervous, yet allowing his mother to pose him. 

We ride the bus all over!! Free zone!!!

Our beautiful street in a construction zone lately!!!! The sidewalks and streets are all getting redone. It's inconvenient but it will be nice and we love watching the jackhammers, diggers, loaders, dump trucks, rollers, bulldozers and construction workers right outside our window. 

"I want shoooooooeees, mom."


And then suddenly it rained for three days and became freezing. Welcome to Utah, Smith family. Now go buy a winter wardrobe or you will be frozen solid within weeks.  
Waiting forth raisin the freezing rain. You dressed us really really badly today mom. BAD MOM. 

Home, in our PJs, heater on, bacon and fries for I getting any better? Ugh. 

Fun at dada's work. 
"Daddy wuk!!!!!!"-Hattie 

Fun day with Collin's grandfather, Sherwood, and his sister, Wilma. We loved having lunch with them and hearing amazing stories about growing up on a farm during the depression. "No body knows about the depression anymore. You have to be 100 years old." 

Hattie did not let go of their hands! She loved being with them and making them laugh. She also tried to "swing" and just about pulled poor Wilma down with her. 
Sherwood told a story about how his father made only $18 a week and sustained his farm and family with 3 kids. Sherwood later was going through his father's things and found tithing recipes for $1.80 every single week. What faith that would take. Well when Sherwood was little he wanted a pony so badly. Not understanding the realities of money he begged for one for two years. And his father, being like any father who just wants his kids to be happy and wishes he could give them the world, convinced himself he could use the pony on his farm and got it!!! What a sweet and selfless man. 
Sherwood and Wilma also told of how during those times you either had a job or you starved. They remember many people who were wandering, stopping by their home and just asking for food. Their mother would always welcome them and make them a big plate of food on the back porch. 
For dinners the family had vegetables every day and chicken on Sundays and hot homemade biscuits 3 times a day!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. yay utah! yay smiths! i love the tree in your hair in the second picture. :)
