Friday, July 09, 2010

here & there

Here I am at work for an hour and a half so far, while my family is at my house eating vanilla waffles and playing rumikub, and not one soul has come into the store.

My mom is coming in today to have me show her everything, give her hand massages, do her make up, etc, and then we might go to the D.A.R. headquarters and to see the Star-Spangled Banner.

Collin has a job interview today at 1pm. Poor guy is sick, but I know the Lord will guide us.

Then we'll have the most wonderful, and hopefully SLOW night ever together before mom, dad, AJ, and Joseph leave for the airport and back to the other side of the country tomorrow afternoon.

I cried yesterday and I could cry right now just thinking of it. I don't want them to go. It's so hard to even fathom. I just miss them so much. I prayed hard that we'd get along this trip, not be stressed, everyone would feel included, and we'd just have a great time together, and I really really got it.

My dad and I ate waffles this morning together before anyone was up. We talked and then he drove me to work. I called him to tell him I'm so sad that I'm here and not there. He told me it's okay and that I'll be out there in the fall in no time. I took deep breaths and prayed and was given just enough strength to remember that eternity will be us together forever, and that we've had the best time ever.

I'm just glad Collin gets to stay with me because without him I'd shrivel up and die. I love him. I love them. I love the truth that I have, and the forgiveness I'm given so that I can attain my most wanted goal: being together with my family forever.


  1. Aww, I'm sorry Nikki. I know how much you love your family and how hard that must be for you. I bet you had the funnest time together. Just know it's not forever and just a little portion of your life. You will have to make trips back here often and some day you can move back! LOVE YOU!

  2. oh we should totally have a pity party for ourselves! i, too, am missing my family after leaving them last week. glad to hear that you had a such a good time with them though; that's good for something!

  3. You are such a great daughter, sister and wife. I am so grateful I can be a part of such a great family, that I can watch you share your love with them. You are my favorite person!

    Also, we will get caught up on L&O:SVU, re-watch Glee, read the People of Paper, cook!!! and clean. There will be a lot to keep us busy.

  4. Oh sweets, I know how you feel! I've been very blessed to have Trevor and Betsy with me since June 18th and I'm not taking them home until next Saturday. And I am going to CRY when that happens! You are very blessed to be sealed to your family; I hope our family can be sealed one day!
