Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BB & Towels

Becca and Bryan left early this morning. They are off on their next adventure--I want to go backpacking with Smith! I think we're living our adventure right now, but I need a trip with just him to somewhere new, exciting, different!

Today I have off work. Wednesdays are weird days to have off. I've cleaned up, done tons of laundry, indexed, watched Top Chef, SVU, and The Bachelorette (tear), made some breakfast, done the dishes, and now I'm ready for some Super Nintendo. I'm going to beat every game starting with Zelda.

The missionaries are coming over for dinner tonight, and we're making pizza. Das good. Also, it is HUMID in Maryland.

Pretty Towels

PS!! B&B gave us the game Bananagrams, and I am OBSESSED! I will ask everyone to play with me. I've been sleeping with it. Seriously.

PPS. It really sucks having a best best soul mate best friend engaged and you're SO SO happy for her, and you'll be at the wedding, but you're 9000 miles away and can't help with anything.
I talked to Tom on the phone the other day, and man, he's awesome. I was SO nervous and kept saying really weird stuff. Haha!!! I can't WAIT for September 9th!!

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