Wednesday, February 15, 2012

our fourth valentines

This is my Valentine:

isn't he dreamy? this is what I cam home to the other night
(after a long Saturday away)



for Valentine's we ate lots of candy

made heart cookies


we went for Sushi

Collin, Nikki, Freddie's fortune in that order.
pretty good.

we went on a long drive adventure and stopped 
everywhere we wanted to. We saw lots of pretty stuff,
got lots of inspiration for decorating and innovating,
bought some Disney movies on VHS, got a make-over
and some delicious fragrance samples at our favorite 
store, Sephora, got some fries at Five Guys, (where
Freddie spilled a whole cup of water in my lap, oh boy..)
and a few more adventures and stops on the way home. 
--Collin will be posting about some of the cool stuff we


  1. First of all, Nikki, you look lovely! And those fortunes?? AMAZING! Seriously... the best I've seen in a long time. Looks like you had a great holiday. LOVE you guys!

  2. what great pictures! happy valentines day cute smiths!
