The other night we made this delicious pizza! Here's the super easy recipe...
Collin's incredible homemade sweet BBQ sauce with crockpot Pulled Pork recipe here
Get your favorite dough. Years ago we used to make our own, but we've found that lots of restaurants will sell you their dough for super cheap and that's a lot easier for us. When we lived in Provo we got it from Pizzeria 712 for like 2 bucks. That was amazing. Lately we have been using a really good whole wheat dough from Fresh and Easy that's under $1.50. Either way, grab your favorite dough.
Preheat your pizza stone in the oven at 550 degrees. You'll want to preheat it and then let it sit at that temp for at least 15 minutes to get nice and super hot. This will take a while. At some point sprinkle a little flour on the counter, take your dough out and let it rise on top of the flour for 20 minutes.
In the mean time, cook your chicken. We used boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into pieces. Heat your skillet on the stove with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Cook the chicken for 3-5 minutes on each side, pour some BBQ Sauce in with it. Cut into the chn pieces to make sure they are cooked through. Set aside.
Roll out your dough; poke it with a fork a couple of times; rub it with some olive oil; sprinkle a little garlic powder around the crust. Then get it on your pizza stone and cook it for 6 minutes.
Chop up 1/4 to 1/2 of a sweet onion. When the dough is done, take it out, put on the onion, then the cooked chicken pieces, then pour a bunch more BBQ sauce all over and top with mozzarella cheese; be generous. Grind salt and pepper over the whole thing, then stick it in the oven again for about 5 minutes. Just watch it and when everything is melted, switch your oven to broil on high for just a few minutes till the cheese gets a little brown.
Take it out (turn everything off) and enjoy!!!!!!
This looks DELICIOUS!!! I want to make it this weekend!!!