Monday, June 28, 2010

BACK From Camp!

I had such nerve-racking feelings as I left my sweet husband for Camp Misty Mountain (about 45 minutes away, but still no cell-phone reception) with a bunch of girls ages 11-15 that I didn't know at all. Was this right? I'd loved camp those many years ago, but the years were 9, to be exact. I felt like a school girl all over again, shy and insecure, but this time not so insecure and forced myself to introduce myself to everyone. I remembered that I'm fun and funny. I have a lot of friends. People like me. It was scary being reminded of that world, long ago, when I didn't believe in any of this. Anyway, after the awkward beginnings, the girls warmed up to me, were so excepting, kind, inclusive. First year, Tiffany, told me I'm awesome. I told her that SHE is awesome. She said I HAD to say that. But I didn't. She really is one of the sweetest humans ever. Their smiles and testimonies made the week wonderful. (And somewhat bearable, away from Smith. We've been away before but it gets HARDER each time! I ached for him--the person who understands me, loves me, and accepts me unconditionally.)

Here is my set up. Tiny little cot. I am the type to yell when I see bugs--YELL for SMITH to get it out! (And lately, if it's on MY turf, to KILL it!) But all living creatures became no big deal. EVEN A WOLFE SPIDER that was the BIGGEST NASTIEST HAIRIEST thing I'd ever seen.

I taught them all my camp knowledge. Like the cup game. So fun.
Me with Trishi and Samantha.

These are my 2nd years (my primary responsibility) in charge of the flag ceremony. They did a great job. Claudia (pink shirt) sang Amazing Grace in front of the crowd. Her voice was timid, and had a great spirit! I love these ladies. Willing to do any good thing asked of them. :)

Did you know that teenage girls stay up ALL night talking to each other and playing MARRY, BEST FRIENDS, KILL??? I would wake up periodically and say, "No killing anyone," and then fall back asleep. Great leader, I was. Marisol gave me ear plugs for the next night. THANK YOUUU!

Lasagna dutch-oven dinner. This was DELICIOUS! All the burnt, deliciousness, cheesy, ground beef, everything, YUM!.

I Feel My Savior's Love in all the World Around Me.
His spirit warms my soul in everything I see.
He knows I will follow him, give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior's love, the love he freely gives me.

I made this gem. My hair is different colors everyday. It is so red right now.

Look at this beautiful Dr. Suessian plant! Whoville might be on there!

You + me = Us!
This was the moon after the most beautiful and inspiring testimony meeting. Every testimony was pure, short, honest, heart-felt, and true. I wrote so many pages of notes as I was touched by the spirit. These young women truly taught with love. They are strong and amazing people.

I French-braided SO many heads!! My FAVORITE THING EVER! And painted nails! I love being girly even though I don't seem so. I braided Claudia's BRAIDS. It was awesome.

I look insanely sweaty because I WAS insanely sweaty. It was SO sweaty and hot the whole time. I'd shower in the cold water and feel good for about 30 minutes, then back to sweaty. I LOVE AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!! I love the S'mores and the S'mores pictures.
Last late-night S'mores Thursday night. We all said we didn't really feel like 'em, but all ended up roasting and eating. YUM. I love the woods.

I thank my Heavenly Father for these wonderful experiences and for letting me come home to Collin Friday afternoon. BUT he wasn't home! He got a temp job from that day till the following (this) Friday, yay! He left me the sweetest note I've ever received on the door step. I cleaned up, put things away, and then SLEPT. And then woke up to LOVE LOVE LOVE.


  1. i love the Dr. Seuss plant. i love the s'mores. i love the french braids. i love the lasagna. i love that you miss your hubby SO much, although, it makes me sad. i just love YOU. you're right, you do have alot of friends that love you! i am blessed to be one!! yay!!!! p.s. HOW EXCITED ARE YOU FOR MORGAN!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i'm so glad you had fun! you would be a great leader. and i'm so glad collin got a temp job! sweetness. i love your happy blog and your pictures and words. :) i wish we could hang out with you guys in person still. but i'll just have to partake of your coolness via the web.
