Monday, November 21, 2011

thankful things

I'm so THANKFUL for kind people. Yesterday at church Freddie wanted to eat right as the sacrament was starting. I really wanted to take it because I hadn't in a few weeks and since he was just starting to root,  I thought I had a few minutes. I got the bread and then he started getting really fussy so I got up to take him to the mother's lounge. In the hallway he calmed down and I thought I could last just a few more minutes for the water. There was a woman with blonde hair and super cute bangs who smiled and said she'd move so I could sit on the couch. I told her thank you but that I was just waiting for the water so I can go take him to feed him! I also mentioned that I wanted to take it so badly!! Freddie started to cry and I had to take him in before the water came out to the hall. I started feeding him and not a minute or two later that blonde woman with cute bangs came in with a cup of water for me. This might sound silly, but it really really touched me. She didn't have to go out of her way to do that. But she did. It made me want to be more kind to strangers I meet.

It was a great weekend. David gave his homecoming talk and it was wonderful. He just bore his testimony of the power of optimism and refusing to think negatively. It was very powerful for me. I am so thankful for my family. Especially my husband and darling Freddie. I fell in love with Collin all over again as I observed him interacting with others last night. He is the life of the party, but also concerned about everyone feeling included and welcome. He sacrifices everything to provide for our family.

Oh! And Joe and my dad WON the State Championship in Tucson. Undeafeated season ended with a game of 40-0. Next is Florida and things are looking up! The weather was gorgeous in Tucson. Breezy. I love Tucson. I always have a great time there.

Great weekend and great week ahead. Collin's parents get in town and Thanksgiving is going to be so much fun this year. I usually NEVER listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, but CS and I did the other night and it REALLY got me in the Christmas Spirit for Thanksgiving!!! I'm SO excited!!!!!

Today: Freddie got his first round of vaccines. It. was. the. worst. I nursed him right before and he was the happiest guy ever and then 2 shots in each thigh: so so so sad. He screamed harder with each one and just looked up at me like, "Why MAMA???" But I know its for his protection! AND he was just fine after 5 minutes of love from mommy. Phew.


Dave helped me build our entertainment center

AZ has the most amazing sunsets ever:

 Freddie with cousin, Maelo!!!!! :) :) Cuties!

 Gussie and Spencer
 Ryan, Emily and Baby Elliott


  1. that first story ended up so much better than i thought. i thought the woman was going to take fred and nurse him for you! hahaha. phew.

    he's looking so less newborn and so much more baby---awesome~

  2. Hahahha! Erin kills me. She's so funny. And you're so wonderful in your righteous desires and honesty with the Lord and others. It pays off, right?

    Love your description of Collin. So true - fun party guy, but we always felt like he cared about each of us. You guys are such good people.

    And that pic of Freddie for Sunday. What a handsome one!

    Lastly... Christmas Spirit of Thanksgiving. Ha! I love it! I heard some Christmas music today in the thrift store and it totally made me dance and smile.
