Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I love riding public transportation. I mean, it's much easier to take a car, but Collin takes it to work and if I want to go to baby time at the library or the Blossom mothers group or anything downtown I take the bus and I love it. I walk more. I'm outside. I wear Freddie on me and he loves it and naps lots and meets all kinds of people with his sweet grin.
I love how kind people are on public transport, at least here in phx, and at least to me. People of all ages stand up so I can sit down. They offer advice or help. They talk to me and smile at Frederick. Things are a little humbler on the bus.

1 comment:

  1. Yesssss! Humbler is good. Makes for nicer, usually. We loved the bus in Philly. And I've never taken it here in DC, but I do love the Metro. Cheers for public transportation.

    Now if we could only get a good train system in the U.S. like they have in Europe.
