Sunday, April 28, 2013


Babies are sleeping. Mama is going to sneak out and go swimming.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Seriously one if my favorite movies. Have you seen it? Well I got it for Easter, so you can come to my house and watch it with me. I like seeing Bond films, but the past few have been alright...mostly just action movies to me...but this one!!! From the hauntingly romantic opening by Adele, to the gruesome villain, compelling story, disposable beauties, and gorgeous shots...I love it. See it.

Photos and stories from the past couple weeks

Eating pretzels by the pool. (We've been swimming almost every day. Collin says its way too cold, but Fred and I call it refreshing. It's cools my bones and then we don't have to turn in the a/c. Yeah we turn on the a/c. We hate being hot! And although its insane nice outside, it gets stuffy and hot in our place. we've done it two ways: we've not turned on the a/c unless necessary and scrimped and kept it at a very conservative temp and we've also done it where we blast it as low as we need when we need--and it's seriously a difference of $10-20. We have a tiny apartment!! So we will be comfortable.)

Baby and me yoga at midwives rising! We love it. Fred does poses. He's awesome.

Blasts from the past.

Holding hands w a kitty.

Chalk at the park on another gorgeous day.

Fred at a birthday party with friends.

Frederick riding on his uncles back. Seconds after this photo was taken he fell off and hit his head on the tile fireplace.
:( :( :(

Sleeping beauties.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Kitty puppy (written 4/10/13)

We found out we are having another baby! he or she will be referred to as kittypuppy. In this second pregnancy, it's different because though I know I'm pregnant and think of that fact often, my number one thought is Frederick. I keep thinking if how all this will effect him. But Collin and I are so happy. We are thrilled.
Saturday I was a few days overdue longer than my longest cycle, so in between general conference sessions, I went into the bathroom alone and prayed and peed on a test. I told Heavenly Father that i know this is in his hands and i will respect whatever the outcome. Two lines. I cried and thanked him. Then waited three minutes just to be sure. Then I went out and showed Collin, who stared at it, laughed, hugged me and cried. Then we scooped up frederick, our darling 1 year old, and hugged and kissed him and told him he is having a brother or sister.
We have so far told just a few friends. We are excited to be able to tell Collins parents and Ian and Ashley in person!
I have been extremely tired, am starting to feel nauseated, and have been experiencing small cramps. I have an appointment tomorrow with Blossom, which I'm excited about. They have a new midwife, Diane. Which will be interesting. I wish I could just see Nichelle only and have her for sure, but what can I do about that? Nothing.
I've been determined to keep exercising at la fitness, sometimes forcing myself out the door in the morning. Today I was so tired. And the music sounded weird. And things taste weird and smell so strongly. I want to get out but I don't have the energy to chase Freddie.
Morgan had her baby last night at 11:05pm. He looks like a perfect angel. She did amazingly.

Collin wants to take Hypnobirthing again.
I also want to take the belly dancing during labor class at blossom. And I want to focus on a water birth. I want to eat healthy. Ill eat my 100 grams of protein every day and drink tons of water so I don't swell and avoid Bell's Palsey.

Alright; nap time.

James Oliver just minutes old. 

Friday, April 05, 2013


"I've never met a mother who doesn't deserve truckloads of compassion."
-Buddhism for Mothers

I read this today and instantly melted because I have been feeling so emotionally and have been trying hard to let go of things and be positive and forgiving, but find myself sometimes still in the face of frustration and anger and jealousy. When I read this I felt like I wished certain people would extend compassion to me. But then I realized I need to be extending this compassion to all other mothers and future mothers I'm in contact with.

And I need to be extremely grateful for the wonderful, ever compassionate women in my life currently, even if they are far away and I miss them so much.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Eggs, colored

Easter season egg dying. Fred loved it! I love egg salad sandwiches. We work well together.
Also, we finally tried Bosa donuts. Very good but not as good as the Fractured Prune. (R.I.P. Rockville location.) Will anything ever come close to those??
Then an Easter Egg hunt at Encanto Park. Super fun. They did it by age so it was a bunch of 1-y-olds with Fred. So cute. After meeting the Easter Bunny, Fred was VERY nervous and would not let me put him down. So I carried him quickly from egg to egg and bent down so he could reach it and put it in his basket. Hehe. The silliest part was that in all the eggs there were teeny tiny choking hazards. Phoenix.
We went down to my moms house after church Sunday, where Fred got totally spoiled by the Ahwatukee Easter Bunny.
Love my little frog.