Thursday, November 11, 2010

twinkle twinkle

Last night was a wonderful and emotional night for my husband and me. I love him. We have been through a lot together. We'll make it through anything! My goal is to be more generous with him. More charitable. He is so good to me. He works so hard. He always supports me. He takes me seriously. He genuinely listens to me....and I can TALK. We have so much fun together. He's my best friend. And he is one sexy best friend. Best friends with benefits, yeeeaaaaa.

Today tiny Monte and I are watching The Lion King. It's adorable how he loves this movie! His cousins!


  1. I feel the SAME way.... about Marc. :)
    And today we were playing with play-doh and Madeleine said, "I make Nikki cat, Monte!" At first I couldn't make out what she was saying, but then I understood. She loves you guys!

  2. hahahahahahahahahahahah
    "best friends with benefits"

  3. oh swoon! oh for a husband like that...good for you all.
