Friday, November 05, 2010

When your tiny kitten's nails aren't clipped they might do this to you:
But after I've clipped them, I feel so guilty because he can't jump up on the bed! It's too tall, so he used to jump, dig his claws in, and mountain climb up. Now he jumps and just falls back down. Saddest thing ever. But cute. And I just pick him up and help him. 


 HAHAHAHAHA, got ya!!!!

Fall in the rain. 


  1. Poor kitten. But it's a fact of life. I would climb up my walls too if I could keep my nails long enough. Sometimes the drama and stress of the day drive me to try to climb my walls, but... hey, at least he's got you to cuddle him when he falls down.

    And I think that in autumn, winter, and spring, such is the only way to really wear a scarf. Lovely!

  2. I wish i wasn't allergic to kitties! Montgomery is sooooo cute! What a great name BTW

  3. *heart* your picture of "Fall in the Rain". :-)
