Tuesday, November 02, 2010

It's getting cold again....

I had one of the most stressful days of my kitten's life. Let's just say I planned this whole day out perfectly so that I could get him his shots in DC, and after him crying, and hating his carrier, and me benig in complete and utter STRESS I gave up like a scared pipsqueak and turned around and went home. hours wasted. What kind of a mother am I going to be? I was practically in tears and fell exhausted into bed. The two of us slept (and I drooled) until Collin got home and loved us back to health.

Then we made frenchbread pizzas and salad and watched most of Casablanca. That movie is so well-done. Now Collin is busy working on his classes and I'm going to finish a crossword puzzle, MARK MY WORDS!

We moved here at the end of January of this year. We've experienced the freezing death that is winter before spring. And now we're about to experience the freezing death that is winter after fall. BRING IT ON!!!! I feel like I can take just about anything. My hair is getting long, Thanksgiving is a couple of weeks away, and we've lived in DC for 10 months. CRAZY. Adventure!

I love my killer kitten and my amazing wonderful husband. Now excuse ME!

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