Sunday, May 29, 2011


We've been through a lot together.
We moved you across the country and you still love us!
Bath time is fun time. Thanks for NEVER having an accident
anywhere ever! You're my #1 kitty.

I love teaching with you and everything about you.
I can count on you for anything. I trust you. You have
me for forever.

We're just starting out and I'm so in love. 2 girls now!
Thanks for being cute and sleeping cuddled up with me.

You are almost a foot long! How is that possible?
I really like you already, and I know I'm going to love
you. Boy, Girl, I have no preference. I just really
want ya.

Love Nikki/Mama

1 comment:

  1. This is perfect, Nikki.
    I love the Smith Force Five.
