Tuesday, May 17, 2011

maternity swim

I have been searching diligently at stores and online to find a maternity swimsuit. You see, I now live in Phoenix, and I'm having a babe. I know it's only in the 80s this week (amazing), but it will be very hot very soon and I want to swim. Swimming in sports bra and t-shirt just isn't cutting it anymore. You'd think it wouldn't be hard since I see pregnant women everywhere I go, but let me tell ya, the suits are scarce! I think I'm getting close.

Also, I had a dream that Monte got really dirty and I drew him a bath. We both went swimming in the bath and he would hold his breath and then come up, all happy and not afraid at all. Then he did a trick and turned orange, then multi-colored. What a cutie.

Flash-forward in dream to me with little blonde girl. She started talking and was learning to pray. She could say, "Grandma," and had a couple of teeth in the front.


  1. oh my. dreams are amazing. I am so happy you are a mama :) I can't wait to see you on this journey. Can't wait to see you when I get back in town! We can go suit shopping together if you want! :)

  2. if you find a good swimsuit, let me know.
