Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Got the first little taste of fear of birthing yesterday when I realized that my VAGINA doesn't dilate to 10cm, the cervix does. that means my vagina, little baby hole, has to just open up miraculously and squeeze out a head and shoulders??? ohhhhh boy.

BUT it's fine and I have new goals:

I will be KNOWLEDGEABLE, POWERFUL, INVOLVED, FORWARD THINKING, FULFILLED, DIRECTING, TRUSTING, SELF-SUFFICIENT, DECISIVE, CONFIDENT, ASSERTIVE, and SATISFIED.  I had quite a long conversation with myself on how to accomplish each one of these things.
I will be POSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC, HONEST, REALISTIC. When I have to decide something, I'll think about it assertively, make a decision, and then stick to it!! It's already worked twice!!!

WOW, there was a crazy huge nasty dust storm in Phoenix last night. I've never ever seen anything like it! When we opened our door to see, it was in our eyes, mouth, hair, covering the floor, covering the whole house, really! crazy! But I have to admit, I love stuff like this. I love it when the power goes out, when we get to have an adventure. I mean, it got pretty extreme in DC when the power would be out for 3-4 days/we couldn't go outside for fear of being swallowed by snow storms, BUT here in AZ, it's cool because it rarely happens! (knock on wood, huh.)

Tonight we have our FIRST hypnobirthing class!!!! SO EXCITED!! I'll let you know how it goes.

We've been doing a Harry Potter movie marathon to get ready for the last movie coming up! I hadn't seen these since in the theater, and so far all the ones I thought I loved, weren't so great, and the one I thought I hated was awesome.



  1. Wow I saw that big dust storm in the news that's super crazy!! I thought it got dusty here in Utah but NOTHING like that!
    As for birthing, your body is MADE to do it and things are made to stretch. Just think about about big your belly has gotten, if you had NEVER seen a pregnant lady belly before and were told that your belly would be as big as a watermelon you might freak out and wonder where all the skin will come from and you also might wonder if it will be painful. It's like that. Your body is made to do it! It doesn't hurt to have that big belly, it just happens. It's the same thing with birth. The muscle that your cervix is opens up and the rest just stretches when baby goes through. You have a cervix so the babe won't just fall out. SO NO WORRIES! You will be awesome and you will learn SO much amazing information in your hypnobirthing class. You'll learn how your body works and what it will do. I'm so excited for you!

  2. have fun tonight! hope it goes well. and that dust storms sounds crazy.

  3. i thought that the vagina dilated, too! it was a sad day when i realized that it did no such thing. haha :) but it does stretch really well. with desmond, the doctor massaged my perineal area to help it stretch at it's own pace, and guided my pushing a bit. so i only had one really small tear (1 stitch. pshh. i didn't even feel it when i was healing.) and he was an average-large baby (9 lb 4 oz). our bodies are pretty miraculous.
